[ needs to be updated ]
NILO has a new home! The web site and CVS repository for NILO is now
hosted at Sourceforge, a service of VA Linux. The new link for NILO is
NILO is the Network Interface Loader. NILO will boot Linux,
FreeBSD, Windows 95/98/NT4 and support the Intel PXE standard, and is
suitable for burning into ROM. It is an evolution of the previous
Etherboot and Netboot projects, and was authored by Ken Yap, until
Rob Savoye took over active development..
There is a browsable CVS
source tree available. There is also read-only anonymous access to
the CVS repository, and write permission can be gotten by contacting
the nilo maintainer. Directions
for using remote CVS are here. You can download a snapshot. There is also a mailing list
for developers. Info on that is available
I've recently started writing a detailed new architecture document for
Nilo. That doc (very much a daily work in progress) is at this location The original (now slightly
out of date) documentation is currently part of the new doc, but
starts here I've also collected all the
relevant RFCs.
Several other documents have shaped the design of NILO. The largest
one is the Intel PXE specification, available from Intel at their developers
site. I also have local copies of the
Etherboot specification, the Netboot
specification, and the Multiboot
Needed Software
- OsKit
- The OSKit is a framework and a set of 30 component libraries oriented to
operating systems. By providing in a modular way not only most of the
infrastructure "grunge" needed by an OS, but also many higher-level
components, the OSKit's goal is to lower the barrier to entry to OS
R&D and to lower its costs. The OSKit makes it vastly easier to create
a new OS, port an existing OS to the x86 (or in the future, to other
architectures supported by the OSkit), or enhance an OS to support a
wider range of devices, file system formats, executable formats, or
network services. The OSKit also works well for constructing
OS-related programs, such as boot loaders or OS-level servers atop a
- The Internet Software Consortium (ISC) is a nonprofit corporation
dedicated to developing and maintaining production quality Open Source
reference implementations of core Internet protocols. ISC efforts are
supported by the donations of generous sponsors, and by revenue from
support contracts and other client services.
The DHCP server, client and relay agent are provided both as reference
implementations of the protocol and as working, fully-featured sample
implementations. Both the client and the server provide functionality
that, while not strictly required by the protocol, is very useful in
practice. The DHCP server also makes allowances for non-compliant
clients which one might still like to support.
Related Sites
- Sponsors
- The non-profit NLnet Foundation originated in 1989, but
incorporates networking activities which go back as early as 1982. The
foundation (in Dutch called "Stichting NLnet" or shortly "NLnet") has
played a major role in raising the so-called pan-European "UNIX"
Network and the commercial and public Internet network provision in
- Nilo
- This is the original Nilo web site.
- Etherboot
- Etherboot is a free software package for booting x86 PCs over a
network. In principle this could be any network technology that TCP/IP
runs on that supports broadcasting. In practice, the bandwidth
required means it's only practical over
LANs and some WANs. Etherboot is useful for booting PCs diskless.
- Netboot
- With the Netboot package you can boot a computer with an Intel
processor via an IP network without accessing a harddisk or diskette.
- Pxelinux is PXE support for a Linux kernel. Where NILO is oriented
towards being s PXE boot ROM, Pxelinux (part of SYSLINUX) is
designd to be linked into a linux kernel so it will boot using a PXE
boot ROM, and ultimately NILO.
- Grub
- GRUB is an attempt to produce a bootloader for IBM PC-compatible
machines that has both the capability to be friendly to beginning or
otherwise non-technically interested users and the flexibility to help
experts in diverse environments. It is currently most useful for users
of at least one of the various free UNIX-like operating systems,
though it can be used with most any PC operating system.
- Remote Boot
- This document describes how to set up a very robust and secure
server-based configuration for a cluster of PCs, allowing each client to
choose at boot-time which operating system to run. The key of this
configuration is a bootprom based program, which let the user choose at
boot time one of several boot images.
- Bootix PXE Bootrom
- Bootix used to be Incom, authors of a commercial PXE boot ROM
implementation. Bootix has developed a wide range of special-purpose
products concentrating on LAN and WAN technology for large internal
- Bpbatch
- BpBatch is a versatile remote-boot processor, that can be
downloaded for free from the Web. It can do a large variety of
operations on a computer at boot-time, before any operating system
starts. Operations performed by BpBatch ranges from partitioning hard
disk to authenticating users, including a graphical interface. The
main feature of BpBatch is the partition cloning facility, which let
you create an image of a computer's hard disk partition and then
distribute and install this image on a cluster of PC.