TFTP is a very simple protocol used to transfer files. It is from
- this that its name comes, Trivial File Transfer Protocol or TFTP. Each
- nonterminal packet is acknowledged separately. This document describes
- the protocol and its types of packets. The document also explains the
- reasons behind some of the design decisions.
The protocol was originally designed by Noel Chiappa, and was
- redesigned by him, Bob Baldwin and Dave Clark, with comments from Steve
- Szymanski. The current revision of the document includes modifications
- stemming from discussions with and suggestions from Larry Allen, Noel
- Chiappa, Dave Clark, Geoff Cooper, Mike Greenwald, Liza Martin, David
- Reed, Craig Milo Rogers (of UCS-ISI), Kathy Yellick, and the author.
- The acknowledgement and retransmission scheme was inspired by TCP, and
- the error mechanism was suggested by PARC's EFTP abort message.
- This research was supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of
- the Department of Defense and was monitored by the Office of Naval
- Research under contract number N00014-75-C-0661.
- 1. Purpose
TFTP is a simple protocol to transfer files, and therefore was named
- the Trivial File Transfer Protocol or TFTP. It has been implemented on
- top of the Internet User Datagram protocol (UDP or Datagram) [2] so it
- may be used to move files between machines on different networks
- implementing UDP. (This should not exlude the possibility of
- implementing TFTP on top of other datagram protocols.) It is designed
- to be small and easy to implement. Therefore, it lacks most of the
- features of a regular FTP. The only thing it can do is read and write
- files (or mail) from/to a remote server. It cannot list directories,
- and currently has no provisions for user authentication. In common with
- other Internet protocols, it passes 8 bit bytes of data.
1 2
Three modes of transfer are currently supported: netascii ; octet ,
- raw 8 bit bytes; mail, netascii characters sent to a user rather than a
- file. Additional modes can be defined by pairs of cooperating hosts.
- _______________
This is ascii as defined in "USA Standard Code for Information
- Interchange" [1] with the modifications specified in "Telnet Protocol
- Specification" [3]. Note that it is 8 bit ascii. The term "netascii"
- will be used throughout this document to mean this particular version of
- ascii.
This replaces the "binary" mode of previous versions of this
- 2. Overview of the Protocol
Any transsfer begins with a request to read or write a file, which also
- serves to request a connection. If the server grants the request, the
- connection is opened and the file is sent in fixed length blocks of 512
- bytes. Each data packet contains one block of data, and must be
- acknowledged by an acknowledgment packet before the next packet can be
- sent. A data packet of less than 512 bytes signals termination of a
- transfer. If a packet gets lost in the network, the intended recipient
- will timeout and may retransmit his last packet (which may be data or an
- acknowledgment), thus causing the sender of the lost packet to
- retransmit that lost packet. The sender has to keep just one packet on
- hand for retransmission, since the lock step acknowledgment guarantees
- that all older packets have been received. Notice that both machines
- involved in a transfer are considered senders and receivers. One sends
- data and receives acknowledgments, the other sends acknowledgments and
- receives data.
Most errors cause termination of the connection. An error is
- signalled by sending an error packet. This packet is not acknowledged,
- and not retransmitted (i.e., a TFTP server or user may terminate after
- sending an error message), so the other end of the connection may not
- get it. Therefore timeouts are used to detect such a termination when
- the error packet has been lost. Errors are caused by three types of
- events: not being able to satisfy the request (e.g., file not found,
- access violation, or no such user), receiving a packet which cannot be
- explained by a delay or duplication in the network (e.g. an incorrectly
- formed packet), and losing access to a necessary resource (e.g., disk
- full or access denied during a transfer).
TFTP recognizes only one error condition that does not cause
- termination, the source port of a received packet being incorrect. In
- this case, an error packet is sent to the originating host.
This protocol is very restrictive, in order to simplify
- implementation. For example, the fixed length blocks make allocation
- straight forward, and the lock step acknowledgement provides flow
- control and eliminates the need to reorder incoming data packets.
- 3. Relation to other Protocols
As mentioned TFTP is designed to be implemented on top of the Datagram
- protocol. Since Datagram is implemented on the Internet protocol,
- packets will have an Internet header, a Datagram header, and a TFTP
- header. Additionally, the packets may have a header (LNI, ARPA header,
- etc.) to allow them through the local transport medium. As shown in
- Figure 3-1, the order of the contents of a packet will be: local medium
- header, if used, Internet header, Datagram header, TFTP header, followed
- by the remainder of the TFTP packet. (This may or may not be data
- depending on the type of packet as specified in the TFTP header.) TFTP
- does not specify any of the values in the Internet header. On the other
- hand, the source and destination port fields of the Datagram header (its
- format is given in the appendix) are used by TFTP and the length field
- reflects the size of the TFTP packet. The transfer identifiers (TID's)
- used by TFTP are passed to the Datagram layer to be used as ports;
- therefore they must be between 0 and 65,535. The initialization of
- TID's is discussed in the section on initial connection protocol.
The TFTP header consists of a 2 byte opcode field which indicates the
- packet's type (e.g., DATA, ERROR, etc.) These opcodes and the formats
- of the various types of packets are discussed further in the section on
- TFTP packets.
Figure 3-1: Order of Headers
| Local Medium | Internet | Datagram | TFTP |
- 4. Initial Connection Protocol
A transfer is established by sending a request (WRQ to write onto a
- foreign file system, or RRQ to read from it), and receiving a positive
- reply, an acknowledgment packet for write, or the first data packet for
- read. In general an acknowledgment packet will contain the block number
- of the data packet being acknowledged. Each data packet has associated
- with it a block number; block numbers are consecutive and begin with
- one. Since the positive response to a write request is an
- acknowledgment packet, in this special case the block number will be
- zero. (Normally, since an acknowledgment packet is acknowledging a data
- packet, the acknowledgment packet will contain the block number of the
- data packet being acknowledged.) If the reply is an error packet, then
- the request has been denied.
In order to create a connection, each end of the connection chooses a
- TID for itself, to be used for the duration of that connection. The
- TID's chosen for a connection should be randomly chosen, so that the
- probability that the same number is chosen twice in immediate succession
- is very low. Every packet has associated with it the two TID's of the
- ends of the connection, the source TID and the destination TID. These
- TID's are handed to the supporting UDP (or other datagram protocol) as
- the source and destination ports. A requesting host chooses its source
- TID as described above, and sends its initial request to the known TID
- 69 decimal (105 octal) on the serving host. The response to the
- request, under normal operation, uses a TID chosen by the server as its
- source TID and the TID chosen for the previous message by the requestor
- as its destination TID. The two chosen TID's are then used for the
- remainder of the transfer.
As an example, the following shows the steps used to establish a
- connection to write a file. Note that WRQ, ACK, and DATA are the names
- of the write request, acknowledgment, and data types of packets
- respectively. The appendix contains a similar example for reading a
- file.
- 1. Host A sends a "WRQ" to host B with source= A's TID,
destination= 69.
- 2. Host B sends a "ACK" (with block number= 0) to host A with
source= B's TID, destination= A's TID.
- At this point the connection has been established and the first data
- packet can be sent by Host A with a sequence number of 1. In the next
- step, and in all succeeding steps, the hosts should make sure that the
- source TID matches the value that was agreed on in steps 1 and 2. If a
- source TID does not match, the packet should be discarded as erroneously
- sent from somewhere else. An error packet should be sent to the source
- of the incorrect packet, while not disturbing the transfer.
- This can be done only if the TFTP in fact receives a packet with an
- incorrect TID. If the supporting protocols do not allow it, this
- particular error condition will not arise.
The following example demonstrates a correct operation of the protocol
- in which the above situation can occur. Host A sends a request to host
- B. Somewhere in the network, the request packet is duplicated, and as a
- result two acknowledgments are returned to host A, with different TID's
- chosen on host B in response to the two requests. When the first
- response arrives, host A continues the connection. When the second
- response to the request arrives, it should be rejected, but there is no
- reason to terminate the first connection. Therefore, if different TID's
- are chosen for the two connections on host B and host A checks the
- source TID's of the messages it receives, the first connection can be
- maintained while the second is rejected by returning an error packet.
- 5. TFTP Packets
TFTP supports five types of packets, all of which have been mentioned
- above:
opcode operation
1 Read request (RRQ)
2 Write request (WRQ)
3 Data (DATA)
4 Acknowledgment (ACK)
5 Error (ERROR)
- The TFTP header of a packet contains the opcode associated with that
- packet.
Figure 5-1: RRQ/WRQ packet
2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte
| Opcode | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 |
RRQ and WRQ packets (opcodes 1 and 2 respectively) have the format
- shown in Figure 5-1. The file name is a sequence of bytes in netascii
- terminated by a zero byte. The mode field contains the string
- "netascii", "octet", or "mail" (or any comibnation of upper and lower
- case, such as "NETASCII", NetAscii", etc.) in netascii indicating the
- three modes defined in the protocol. A host which receives netascii
- mode data must translate the data to its own format. Octet mode is used
- to transfer a file that is in the 8-bit format of the machine from which
- the file is being transferred. It is assumed that each type of machine
- has a single 8-bit format that is more common, and that that format is
- chosen. For example, on a DEC-20, a 36 bit machine, this is four 8-bit
- bytes to a word with four bits of breakage. If a host receives a octet
- file and then returns it, the returned file must be identical to the
- original. Mail mode uses the name of a mail recipient in place of a
- file and must begin with a WRQ. Otherwise it is identical to netascii
- mode. The mail recipient string should be of the form "username" or
- "username@hostname". If the second form is used, it allows the option
- of mail forwarding by a relay computer.
The discussion above assumes that both the sender and recipient are
- operating in the same mode, but there is no reason that this has to be
- the case. For example, one might build a storage server. There is no
- reason that such a machine needs to translate netascii into its own form
- of text. Rather, the sender might send files in netascii, but the
- storage server might simply store them without translation in 8-bit
- format. Another such situation is a problem that currently exists on
- DEC-20 systems. Neither netascii nor octet accesses all the bits in a
- word. One might create a special mode for such a machine which read all
- the bits in a word, but in which the receiver stored the information in
- 8-bit format. When such a file is retrieved from the storage site, it
- must be restored to its original form to be useful, so the reverse mode
- must also be implemented. The user site will have to remember some
- information to achieve this. In both of these examples, the request
- packets would specify octet mode to the foreign host, but the local host
- would be in some other mode. No such machine or application specific
- modes have been specified in TFTP, but one would be compatible with this
- specification.
It is also possible to define other modes for cooperating pairs of
- hosts, although this must be done with care. There is no requirement
- that any other hosts implement these. There is no central authority
- that will define these modes or assign them names.
Figure 5-2: DATA packet
2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes
| Opcode | Block # | Data |
Data is actually transferred in DATA packets depicted in Figure 5-2.
- DATA packets (opcode = 3) have a block number and data field. The block
- numbers on data packets begin with one and increase by one for each new
- block of data. This restriction allows the program to use a single
- number to discriminate between new packets and duplicates. The data
- field is from zero to 512 bytes long. If it is 512 bytes long, the
- block is not the last block of data; if it is from zero to 511 bytes
- long, it signals the end of the transfer. (See the section on Normal
- Termination for details.)
All packets other than those used for termination are acknowledged
- individually unless a timeout occurs. Sending a DATA packet is an
- acknowledgment for the ACK packet of the previous DATA packet. The WRQ
- and DATA packets are acknowledged by ACK or ERROR packets, while RRQ and
Figure 5-3: ACK packet
2 bytes 2 bytes
| Opcode | Block # |
- ACK packets are acknowledged by DATA or ERROR packets. Figure 5-3
- depicts an ACK packet; the opcode is 4. The block number in an ACK
- echoes the block number of the DATA packet being acknowledged. A WRQ is
- acknowledged with an ACK packet having a block number of zero.
Figure 5-4: ERROR packet
2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte
| Opcode | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 |
An ERROR packet (opcode 5) takes the form depicted in Figure 5-4. An
- ERROR packet can be the acknowledgment of any other type of packet. The
- error code is an integer indicating the nature of the error. A table of
- values and meanings is given in the appendix. (Note that several error
- codes have been added to this version of this document.) The error
- message is intended for human consumption, and should be in netascii.
- Like all other strings, it is terminated with a zero byte.
- 6. Normal Termination
The end of a transfer is marked by a DATA packet that contains between
- 0 and 511 bytes of data (i.e. Datagram length < 516). This packet is
- acknowledged by an ACK packet like all other DATA packets. The host
- acknowledging the final DATA packet may terminate its side of the
- connection on sending the final ACK. On the other hand, dallying is
- encouraged. This means that the host sending the final ACK will wait
- for a while before terminating in order to retransmit the final ACK if
- it has been lost. The acknowledger will know that the ACK has been lost
- if it receives the final DATA packet again. The host sending the last
- DATA must retransmit it until the packet is acknowledged or the sending
- host times out. If the response is an ACK, the transmission was
- completed successfully. If the sender of the data times out and is not
- prepared to retransmit any more, the transfer may still have been
- completed successfully, after which the acknowledger or network may have
- experienced a problem. It is also possible in this case that the
- transfer was unsuccessful. In any case, the connection has been closed.
- 7. Premature Termination
If a request can not be granted, or some error occurs during the
- transfer, then an ERROR packet (opcode 5) is sent. This is only a
- courtesy since it will not be retransmitted or acknowledged, so it may
- never be received. Timeouts must also be used to detect errors.
- I. Appendix
- Order of Headers
2 bytes
- | Local Medium | Internet | Datagram | TFTP Opcode |
- TFTP Formats
- Type Op # Format without header
2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte
RRQ/ | 01/02 | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 |
WRQ -----------------------------------------------
2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes
DATA | 03 | Block # | Data |
2 bytes 2 bytes
ACK | 04 | Block # |
2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte
ERROR | 05 | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 |
- Initial Connection Protocol for reading a file
- 1. Host A sends a "RRQ" to host B with source= A's TID,
destination= 69.
- 2. Host B sends a "DATA" (with block number= 1) to host A with
source= B's TID, destination= A's TID.
- Error Codes
- Value Meaning
- 0 Not defined, see error message (if any).
- 1 File not found.
- 2 Access violation.
- 3 Disk full or allocation exceeded.
- 4 Illegal TFTP operation.
- 5 Unknown transfer ID.
- 6 File already exists.
- 7 No such user.
- Internet User Datagram Header [2]
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Source Port | Destination Port |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Length | Checksum |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- Values of Fields
- Source Port Picked by originator of packet.
- Dest. Port Picked by destination machine (69 for RRQ or WRQ).
- Length Number of bytes in packet after Datagram header.
- Checksum Reference 2 describes rules for computing checksum.
Field contains zero if unused.
- Note: TFTP passes transfer identifiers (TID's) to the Internet User
- Datagram protocol to be used as the source and destination ports.
- _______________
This has been included only for convenience. TFTP need not be
- implemented on top of the Internet User Datagram Protocol.
The implementor of this should be sure that the correct algorithm is
- used here.
- References
[1] USA Standard Code for Information Interchange, USASI X3.4-
[2] Postel, Jon., "User Datagram Protocol," RFC768, August 28,
[3] "Telnet Protocol Specification," RFC764, June, 1980.